Saturday, July 08, 2006

Interactive Map of Hong Kong

You can download a movie showing how to develop the interactive map of Hong Kong which we built in the class. I hope that this will help.

Click HERE to download movie step by step [zip file].

The same file can be created in a different way. HERE is one more movie showing how this can be done differently.

The purpose of the MITE6323 module is largely conceptual in the sense that my aim is to get the students to think about and explore possibilities for communication of information in visual and interactive format. I think that this is occurring very well as evidenced by the quality of stuff provided in the students’ blogs. However, I observed that some students are experiencing frustrations with Macromedia Flash. I would like to hear some idea from students as to how to deal with this problem.

In relation to your project, you should ask me to help you solve any technical problems. Some of you are already doing this. For example, two students asked me for help with the file shown bellow. Interact with the file by inputing values for times and observe how input is processed into some actions on the screen. If you want to access source code of this file to study how it is done click HERE.


At 10:09 AM, Blogger Christina MLIM said...

I am happy to learn techniques from different tools for the representation. Actually they are enough for us to develop small LO. I think we should not stuck at the technical issue too long, because we still have an document to submit with the LO. That's why the planning stage is very important, because how we can communicate information and contribute to learning are the focus of the coursework, instead of technical skills.

At 2:16 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

Chris, try to find drag & drop at menawhile i will create one and will send it to you.

Key part of you leanring object is to create that "all in one" scenarion of a screet for students to explore. I will be back with flash file...

At 5:45 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

Chris, actually making quizzes is not very difficult. Flash has this thing called Learning Interactions. Look in Flash under Window-Common Libraries-Learning Interactions. You have different types of templates which you can drag and drop on the stage and configure into your own questions. The issue of quiz in the learning object is not really about technical stuff but it is about separating educationally useful content form specific situations where it is pedagogically used.

At 9:39 AM, Blogger Daniel said...

Interesting points. HK Map is about learning some Flash. It is not a complete interactive representation.

About your second point you are bringing in relation to text, this moduel is about interactive and VISUAL representations.


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